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已经自动续费一年多了这个月突然发邮件说扣款失败 卡里余额充足 这是什么毛病啊啊大佬们邮件原文如下:Dear xxxxxx,You are using automatic payments via Credit Card as payment method. With this payment method, you do not have to send transfers manually, but instead we charge your Credit Card when a certain amount is due.To avoid that a payment becomes overdue, a so called pre-authorization is performed a few days before the actual payment date. With this pre-authorization we will reserve the amount that will be due within the next days on your creditcard.An amount of €7.19 is due on 12 July 2023Today, our attempt to pre-authorize the payment failed. This can have different reasons, maybe your credit card is not valid anymore or maybe your balance was not sufficient if you are using a prepaid credit card.We will try to reserve the payment once again on 09 July 2023
