AWS(Amazon Web Services)现在好像会核验联系资料了


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两个号,一个接到了电话,另外一个没接到电话,收到邮件 AWS Account on Hold: Response RequiredWe were unable to validate details about your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, so we have suspended your account. While your account is suspended, you will not be able to log in to the AWS console or access AWS services.If you do not respond by 07/10/2023, your AWS account, and any content on the account, will be deleted. AWS reserves the right to expedite the deletion of your content in certain situations. 朝花夕拾 2023-07-10 21:06 2 打得通就打,打不通就算了,有信用卡在验卡就可以了。Yzindex 2023-07-10 21:09 3? 好,早该核验了捏。zvv 2023-07-10 21:11 4 建议把除了我之外的坛友都赶下车?
