2個月免費 基本無限次數 GPT4 32k


共计 445 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。

perplexity ai 活動減 40 刀(2 個月免費 / 年付 160 刀)。每天 600 次 GPT4 32k 配額(不提供 GPT api 所以別想了)。另外套餐也提供公開模型的 api,等 mjj 擼爆
鏈接 pplx.(刪掉)ai/thanks

Hi @everyone, I wanted to thank you all for being part of Perplexity\’s journey so far. It\’s been almost a year since we released (December 7 2022) and all of your feedback, bug reports, suggestions have been invaluable. Visit pplx.(刪掉)ai/thanks or apply promo code THANKS23 to get 2 months free of Perplexity Pro. Enjoy!
Offer ends Dec 3 2023 11:59pm, new/returning subscribers only.
