

共计 546 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。

As of July 1, 2022, the following price changes will be automatically applied to all affected services active on that date:
– The price of compute Instances located in AMS1 and PAR1 will be increased by 8% – The price of compute Instances located in WAW1 will be increased by 3.85% – The price of compute Instances in PAR2 will not change – The price of compute Instances located in PAR3 will be decreased by 50%
This concerns all Instance types: VC1, VC2, Stardust, Start1, Pro1, Development purpose (DEV), General purpose (GP), Enterprise (ENT).


注册 涨价后月付大概 0.41 欧

colla 还可以接受。

colla 涨的不多

loger8 还以为要取消了。

colla 几毛钱啊?

三丫的 两三毛钱吧

Ralph 真变成法国三毛机了
