C++ 并发编程


共计 2163 个字符,预计需要花费 6 分钟才能阅读完成。

有朋友熟悉 C++ 编程吗?能帮我看看这里有什么 bug 吗(更新两个 atomic)

目的是实现一个 Multiset(Non-blocking)

class CMSet {bool contains(T element);
    int count(T element);
    void add(T element);
    bool remove(T element);

template  struct ANode {
    T data;
    std::atomic count{};
    std::atomic*> next;
    size_t key{};

    ANode() : next(nullptr) {};
    explicit ANode(T data) : data(data), next(nullptr) {};
    explicit ANode(T data, size_t key) : data(data), key(key), next(nullptr) {this->count.store(1);

class CMSetWithNonBlocking : public CMSet {
    atomic*> head;
    CMSetWithNonBlocking () {auto* h = new ANode;
        h->key = std::numeric_limits::min();
        auto* t = new ANode;
        t->key = std::numeric_limits::max();

    bool contains(T data) {size_t key = std::hash{}(data);
        ANode* curr = head.load()->next.load();
        while (curr->key next.load();}
        return curr->key == key && curr->count.load()> 0;

    int count(T data) {size_t key = std::hash{}(data);
        ANode* curr = head.load()->next.load();
        while (curr->key next.load();}
        if (curr->key == key) {return curr->count.load();}
        return 0;

    void add(T data) {size_t key = std::hash{}(data);
        auto* newNode = new ANode(data, key);
        while (true) {ANode* prev = head.load();
            ANode* curr = prev->next.load();

            while (curr->key next.load();}

            if (curr->key == key) {
                // If node with key exists, increment count atomically
                int oldCount = curr->count.load();
                if (curr->count.compare_exchange_weak(oldCount, oldCount + 1)) {
                    delete newNode; // newNode not needed, delete it
            } else {
                // Insert new node
                if (prev->next.compare_exchange_weak(curr, newNode)) {return; // Successfully added}

    bool remove(T data) {size_t key = std::hash{}(data);
        while (true) {ANode* prev = head.load();
            ANode* curr = prev->next.load();

            while (curr->key next.load();}

            if (curr->key == key) {int oldCount = curr->count.load();
                if (oldCount == 0) {return false; // Node already removed or never added}
                if (curr->count.compare_exchange_weak(oldCount, oldCount - 1)) {if (oldCount - 1 == 0) {
                        // If count decremented to 0, remove node
                        ANode* next = curr->next.load();
                        if (!prev->next.compare_exchange_weak(curr, next)) {continue; // CAS failed, retry} else {delete curr; // Node removed, delete it}
                    return true; // Count decremented successfully
                // If CAS fails, loop will retry
            } else {return false; // Node with key not found}