[ 上海 / 北京 ] 招聘 Senior Frontend Software Engineer(Electron 方向)


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团队做的是 Insomnia 这款产品(https://github.com/Kong/insomnia),前端技术栈主要是 Electron,目前前端的 3 个同事都在欧洲,要在上海组建前端团队,计划第一季度招 3 个人。希望候选人有大型复杂系统开发和维护能力,具体见下面的 JD。

坐标:[上海] 9 号线马当路地铁站 / [北京] 朝阳区东四环中路 56 号远洋国际中心
技术:Electron 不是强要求,但希望候选人有丰富的 React 的性能优化和问题解决能力。

期待各位前端大佬积极投简历🙏🙏(邮箱:d29vamllQGhvdG1haWwuY29t 在 https://www.base64decode.org/ 解码可见、收到邮件后本人尽量在 24h 内给反馈)

What you’ll do:

  • Build and deliver upcoming features in Insomnia and improve the existing ones.
  • Work with product managers, engineers, and product designers to create meaningful experiences.
  • Help engineering and product become more effective by collaborating and inspiring everyone to achieve the best possible user experience.
  • Deliver high quality software and support it in a production environment used by hundreds of thousands of users.

What you’ll bring:

  • Strong experience in Javascript, TypeScript, React, Electron.
  • Knowledge of building and consuming RESTful APIs, and real-time asynchronous systems with push/pull architectures.
  • Deep understanding of Electron and its internals.
  • Strong understanding of the OpenAPI specification.
  • Strong understanding of non-blocking I/O.
  • Experience building high-quality and well tested frontend applications.
  • Passion in using the features that you build, which is the only way to build great products.
  • Strong unit and integration testing experience, both on the backend and the frontend.
  • Extraordinary UI implementation skills using technologies like HTML5, CSS3, React.
  • Excellent visual and written communication skills, to collaborate effectively with design, product, and engineering teams.
  • The ability to thrive in a rapidly changing, high-growth startup environment.
  • The ability to validate your work with qualitative and quantitative data.

Bonus Points:

  • Experience in GoLang.
  • Experience with GraphQL.
  • You have worked on technical products and data visualizations.
  • You have built SaaS, enterprise software, or developer tools.
  • You have built or collaborated on a component library.
  • You have already used Insomnia in your day to day work.