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Dear VirMach Customers,

Your service has returned back online with the original data. The service is now located in Atlanta. The service IP address has changed and the new address is available on the control panel, but you may have to “reconfigure” the networking and/or modify any software within your VPS to utilize the new address. All services have been extended for one year (365 days) to make up for the extremely long outage period. Please keep in mind even if your service was not renewed by you, it likely still has been extended, but you may still have to remove any cancellation request and contact us to unsuspend/restore the service in such cases if you wish to continue to utilize it as it may have already been partially cancelled by our system and will require human intervention. (You may ignore this if your service was renewed, as it would not apply to you.)

If you still have any issues and do contact us, please make sure when your ticket is created, that the node name (DALZ004) is present in your ticket title.

-The VirMach Team 复制代码

我记得之前 PP 争议,封号了的,现在居然恢复了我的小鸡,还送了一年,然后我尝试登录我的小鸡,居然能登录,面板也行了,当时争议也是这台机器,因为一直没恢复就续费了,PP 也退钱了。。。
