我500G vir收到工单叫我退 或者换 等


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Your storage service in Tokyo was unfortunately placed after 03/25/2022, which means it was later in the creation queue, and as a result, we ran out of space before it could be activated. There are a few choices you have on how you want to proceed.

1. Full Refund & Cancellation. Please reply back to this ticket and let us know you want a refund, and it will be processed.
2. Wait Longer. For this option, do not contact us and do not reply to this ticket, and it will be the default choice. If you reply to this ticket or open a ticket, your service will be cancelled & refunded, so if you would like to wait, please do not contact us. The current ETA is at least 4 more weeks. It may take longer.
3. Change to Los Angeles We are close to processing activations in Los Angeles. Reply back and let us know you would like to change to this location, and activation will occur sooner than waiting for Tokyo.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Since your service is 500GB, if you decide on #2 and do not contact us, you will be guaranteed a spot on our next storage node in Tokyo. You may still change your mind at any time and request #1 instead by replying back.



注册 不,2 个月

Sxin The current ETA is at least 4 more weeks. It may take longer. 无语子刚刚收到

KuYeHQ 不等了退款 本来就在想要不要退了毕竟迁移过来的可太多了

52 怡宝 洛杉矶还不知道啥时候

Sxin 东京的已经涨价了,如果不是急需,当然等。哪怕你现在当期货加价卖,也有人收的。

orwtmc 给我吧 https://t.me/zscjb

Jee 号里还有别的而且没什么兴趣等  我对炒鸡没兴趣

专收传家宝 是的,看到大佬的测评贴再去看东京鸡,优惠码额度少了,所有机型 2 年付涨价 24 刀,晕了。

Sxin 我收

注册 专业黄牛?想原价收完再去卖?

注册 原价 +30 软妹子收 自用

Sxin 我加钱收。自己玩玩。如果出的话按 收的价格再出。

qaz852027 我 108 刀买了 4T,秒开,你们预购都没开。。。

专收传家宝 这老板好像让大容量的先开 然后就机器就用完了

lurkrazy 老板就是看心情开的

Sxin 主要现在又补货了,感觉他们挺搞人心态的。。。

hwan 加了安装费当然优先开你的

lurkrazy 为啥我买的是 la 的也收到这封邮件了?

他是传说 老板 CJB 全发了说不定

注册 我也收到了,我选择等。。。

注册 你 108 刀的 JP,续费是 96 还是多少?刚才我看了一下购买规则,没写太清楚,不过 12 刀好像是附加费,这个不确定是一次性缴纳还是每年都要。

danielzi 我选择等,因为我收来的,都忘了找哪位大佬收的了。。。。退款我收不到钱

Jee 续费 108,之前买的预售的是 96 还是 108?

沙河遛狗 我的已经申请退款了,工单说已经退款了并且工单已关闭,但支付宝还没收到退款,他们家处理退款需要多长时间(指的是工单说已退款与实际到账的时间)?

lurkrazy 之前预售的,续费是 96

hostloc10086 那挺不错,不过这贵了 12 刀感觉也能接受,一年也就 80 块钱
