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CCS(colocrossing)家的 aff(affiliates)根本就不给结算!推 CCS 家的 aff 不要自娱自乐了!
推广了几个月,遭受了多少谩骂和指责 …
前前后后近一个月多申请了 3 次提现没收到 1 毛钱就是个赖皮,无赖
每次 aff 提现都会给你一句标准的模板:Hello XXXThank you for reaching out to us. We value your business and appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your billing-related inquiry.I would like to inform you that your support ticket has been successfully forwarded to our dedicated Billing Department. They are well-equipped to address your billing concerns and will respond during our normal business hours in the USA. Our Billing Team is committed to providing you with accurate and timely information regarding your inquiry. Whether you have questions about invoices, payment methods, or any other billing-related matter, they are here to assist you.Thank you.Emily,Colocrossing Cloud. 复制代码
然后就永远没有然后了,超过 72 小时自动关闭 ticket
