ovh 服务器之前合约的取消了,现在发账单要不要续费


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本帖最后由 850000200 于 2024-6-14 20:14 编辑
在论坛里 问下各位 mjj 之前购买 ovh 的杜甫 合约期 24 个月 后面叫他们取消了 不肯取消 我不续费了 后面扣一个月的账单,这个账单一直没有付款 今天给我发了一个邮件,叫我付款 这个不付款 有没有什么影响呢


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昨天 20:11 上传

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
The company OVH HOSTING LIMITED BLOCK 3, HARCOURT CENTRE, HARCOURT 00000 DUBLIN 2, D02 A339 has instructed me to contact you concerning the outstanding amount of 36,94 € you didn’t settle.
You will find below all the details of this debt.
Please proceed with the payment of this claim without delay quoting your case number 4027716293.
We want to draw your attention  to the importance of settling this account immediately to avoid any legal action in your country.
Awaiting your prompt payment confirmation or position regarding this claim (click below on the « login » or « contact us » button) we remain at your disposal for any additional information, or assistance you might need to solve this.
Best regards.
Service Recouvrement
Phone : 04 72 80 41 31
Principal : 34,64 €
Interests : 2,30 €
Penalties* : 0,00 €
Down payments : 0,00 €
        REFERENCE CLIENT=ZM107141-OVH/NUMERO DE FACTURE=IE1468385/DATE DE FACTURE=01/01/2024 34,64 euros
