陆家嘴Web Developer 10-15k,要英语,这工资mjj怎么看?


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v 站里大部分说这工资不值得,但感觉又和宏观上工作难找相矛盾,所以到底是高还是低了?
Job Description:
We are seeking a Web Developer with a strong command of English and the ability to collaborate effectively with a globally distributed team. The ideal candidate will bring a proactive approach to project completion and demonstrate:
Multilingual in Programming: Skilled in Node.js with 1-3 years of experience. Proficiency in JavaScript/TypeScript is a must, and familiarity with GoLang, Ruby, Python.
Front-End Savvy: Strong experience with Angular, with a preference for those knowledgeable in TypeScript.
API and Testing Expertise: Experienced in RESTful API development, adhering to framework principles, and committed to thorough End-to-End and Unit testing.
Database Knowledge: Familiarity with MySQL/SQL Server. Experience with non-relational databases is a plus.
Version Control Proficiency: Skilled in using GitHub with a strong understanding of code review processes.
Scalability and Efficiency: Demonstrated ability to develop scalable web solutions and work within agile development frameworks.
Cloud and Containerization: Familiarity with AWS Services, Docker/Kubernetes, and practical experience is preferred.
Automation and Integration: Knowledge of Jenkins/CI/CD and practical experience is preferred.
.Net Framework: Knowledge of .Net/C#/VB with practical experience is a plus.
