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我唯一的垃圾站要死他们手里了,前两天还想着搞个主备高可用的,毕竟 0 收入就没搞,结果就 tm 崩一天了。

  1. Earlier this evening there was a local utility event that created a blackout within our 530 W. 6th street datacenter. Generators and transfer switches acted accordingly to transfer critical load gracefully from the UPS equipment batteries to the generator during this period of time.
  2. During the transfer process, we experienced a critical pre-action alarm which resulted in an unsuccessful transfer of power from UPS battery to Generators which is a safety trigger required by the city of Los Angeles. QuadraNet was required to evacuate the building during this period while the Los Angeles Fire Department was en-route to determine the severity of the situation.
  3. The site was cleared by LAFD and all critical power was restored at that time (Roughly 11:45PM PST) and QuadraNet engineers began working to restore internal systems and providing telephone support to customers.



注册 RN 不知道怎么样

日美眉 rn 那个大神之前就是之前在 pr 的负责人

菜单 你如何得知的

日美眉 https://hostloc.com/home.php?mod … m=space&page=14 https://hostloc.com/home.php?mod … om=space&page=1

菜单 厉害厉害

日美眉 PR…. 还有人用现在? 两三年 PR 还能和 RN 比一比 现在 PR 就是一坨 shit

菜单 理论上 pr 是 qn 的子品牌 结果 qn 也不大行啊 等恢复了就搬家跑路了 刚续费没法用

Erik 垃圾 PR,一生黑。。RN 倒是还好,我有台机子再 RN,吃灰挺稳的。

日美眉 什么鬼 LAFD 都出动了   发电机炸了吗

注册 估计是吧

注册 毕竟便宜 能用就行了

日美眉 rn 现在的销售是 pr 的前负责人。rn 现在的老板是之前四大金刚老板兼 qn 的副总裁,销售总经理

日美眉 村花都挂了快一天了,不知道什么时候能好,原来我以为是用 qn 反代的,现在看来就是建在 qn 上的

MrJoker 没法用,我试着装个视频上去,上传下载都 1m 左右,非常卡,跟他说的带宽完全不服,我买个 100 刀的年套,也不行,倒是挂梯的时候速度还不错,推荐买便宜套餐挂梯,做业务真的不行,别耽误自己

louiejordan 我 qn 的机器还没好,擦

wangjianjilei 您好 还需要再等 12 个小时左右

Wency pr,高可用?这得喝多少老酒才能说出来的话

日美眉 pr 不是狗都不用吗
