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在南京还不错的外企,XenServer 团队仍有一个 Senior 开发岗在招聘中,要求了解函数式编程 FP(比如 Ocaml/Haskell/Erlang 等) + 英语沟通即可.

XenServer 商业化的虚拟化平台(类似 Vmware),岗位具体要求如下

  • Bachelor’s degree with >=5 years (or a master’s degree with a minimum of 2 years of expertise) in enterprise software development, a good understanding of software Lifecycles and Version/Release Management.
  • Strong practical development and debugging expertise in Functional Programming with Ocaml/ Haskell/Scala/F# etc., or willing to learn as a quick learner with proven records, and Linux Shells/Golang/Python programming are essential.
  • Experience and strong knowledge in any of the Virtualization Platforms (e.g. OpenStack, ESXi, etc.), networking protocols (e.g., RPC, Restful API, TCP/IP, HTTP, TLS, etc.), System performance, and/or the multi-cloud management platforms etc.
  • Quick learning abilities, a good understanding of functional programming, and the essentials of programming languages, SDK, Containers, and Microservices are pluses.
  • Experience with Jenkins, Pipeline, Git, JIRA, Confluence, Open-Source community, etc.
  • Self-driven, excellent communication skills and English speaking, strong teamwork, and experience working within a Scrum/Agile team are preferred.
  • Knowledge of Google Suites and/or MS Office, being able to use Email/Gmail, Slack, Zoom/Google Chat/Teams, etc. collaboration tools.


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