新玩具来了 go-hotfix,用于运行时热修复函数


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基于 monkey-patch + plugin 机制实现的热修复方案,用于实现不停服修复 bug!!

仓库地址: https://github.com/go-hotfix/hotfix

感兴趣可以玩一下 example/webapp 这个例子,注意仅支持 Linux(ps: Windows 可以在 wsl2 里面玩)


hotfix is a golang function hot-fix solution

警告: 目前尚未经过严格测试,请勿用于生产环境
Warning: This has not been rigorously tested, do not use in production environment

注意: 不支持 Windows
Note: Windows is not supported

注意: 为了确保函数都能被修补,需要关闭函数内联,会因此损失一些性能
Note: To ensure that all functions can be patched, function inlining needs to be disabled, which will result in a loss of some performance


  • 支持指定包级别 / 类级别 / 函数级别热补丁支持
  • Supported for hot patching at package/class/function
  • 支持导出函数 / 私有函数 / 成员方法修补
  • Support for exporting functions/private functions/member methods patching
  • 基于 monkey-patch + plugin 机制实现
  • Implemented based on monkey-patch + plugin
  • 线程安全, 使用 stw 确保所有协程都进入安全点从而实现线程安全的补丁
  • Thread safety, use stw to ensure that all coroutines enter safe points to hot patching


  • 受限于 go plugin 仅支持 Linux, FreeBSD, macOS,其他平台目前不支持
  • The go plugin is currently only supported on Linux, FreeBSD, and macOS platforms; other platforms are not supported
  • 加载的补丁包无法卸载,如果热修复次数过多可能导致较大的内存占用
  • The loaded patch package cannot be uninstalled. Too many hot fixes may result in large memory usage
  • 不支持对闭包进行修复,需要热修复的逻辑不要放在闭包中
  • Closures are not supported, and logic that requires hotfixes should not be placed in closures
  • 不能修改已有数据结构和函数签名,否则可能将导致程序崩溃,应该仅用于 bug 修复
  • Cannot modify existing data structures and function signatures, as this may lead to program crashes. It should only be used for bug fixes
  • 编译时请保留调试符号,并且禁用函数内联-gcflags=all=-l
  • Please keep the debugging symbols when compiling, and disable function inline -gcflags=all=-l
  • 编译错误 invalid reference to xxxx 是因为 go1.23 开始限制了 go:linkname 功能,必须添加编译参数关闭限制-ldflags=-checklinkname=0
  • The compilation error invalid reference to xxxx is because go1.23 began to limit the go:linkname function, and the compilation parameter must be added to turn off the restriction -ldflags=-checklinkname=0
  • 补丁包的的编译环境必须和主程序一致,包括 go 编译器版本,编译参数,依赖等,否则加载补丁包将会失败
  • The patch package’s build environment must match that of the main program, including the Go compiler version, compilation parameters, dependencies, etc., otherwise loading the patch package will fail
  • 补丁包的 main 包下面的 init 会首先调用一次,请注意不要重复初始化
  • The ‘init’ under the ‘main’ package of the patch package will be called once first, be careful not to initialize it repeatedly
  • 打补丁包时 main 包必须产生变化,否则可能出现 plugin already loaded错误,推荐使用 -ldflags="-X main.HotfixVersion=v1.0.1"指定版本号,确保每次编译补丁包都会有变化
  • The main package must be changed when applying the patch package, otherwise the plugin already loaded error may occur. It is recommended to use -ldflags="-X main.HotfixVersion=v1.0.1" to specify the version number to ensure that the patch package is compiled every time There will be changes
  • 该方案处于实验性质,尚未经过严格验证
  • The solution is experimental in nature and has not yet been rigorously validated


参考这个 例子 项目
Refer to this example project
