被 AWS 割韭菜


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年初试用了下 aws,后面就没管了,最近刚收到 sws 的账单,8 月份 $53, 9 月份预计 $100,自动扣款了,我都没用啥,就一个服务费就要扣 $100,郁闷,大佬们有碰到过没,如何申请退款?

Amazon Web Services, Inc. Invoice

Email or talk to us about your AWS account or bill, visit aws.amazon.com/contact-us/
Submit feedback on your Invoice Experience here.
Invoice Summary
Invoice Number:
Invoice Date: September 3 , 2024
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ON September 3 , 2024 $54.93
This invoice is for the billing period August 1 – August 31 , 2024
Greetings from Amazon Web Services, we’re writing to provide you with an electronic invoice for your use of AWS services. Additional information
about your bill, individual service charge details, and your account history are available on the Account Activity Page.

AWS Support (Business) $54.84

AWS Service Charges $54.93
Charges $54.93
Credits $0.00
Tax $0.00
Total for this invoice $54.93
