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Dear VirMach Customers,

We are beginning to perform migrations for your storage service, if it was not already involved in a previous round of migrations.

Please power down your service when you are ready for it to be migrated. We will continue checking for powered down storage services over the next 72 hours and beginning several batches of migrations.  The migration time may vary based on your service size and how many others are migrating simultaneously, but it will generally take about 24 hours per 1TB of data. Your service will then come back online with a new IP address and the same data.

If you do not power down your service please note at the end of our queue, you will still be migrated, but we will include you in a batch of migrations without powerdowns, meaning your service will remain online but there will be a period of time between Sunday, July 31st, and when the migrations complete. Since these will be done in bulk, they may take longer to process so it’s best if you elect to power down your service. In rare cases we may have to load in older disaster recovery data if complications occurs.
