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这前发测评的帖子(虽然没有一个人走 aff,但还是提醒一下)

今早看到探针报被挖矿了,ssh 由于小鸡负载过高,连不上,准备拿去重装一下,发现面板上不了

现在小鸡 ssh 也连不上,面板也失连了,之前 pp 付款的人可以退钱了




注册 假德国佬?

emptysuns 看探针 tcp 的连接数都上千了,我也没做任何 web 服务,估计是被友商打了,以至于面板也上不去了,无所谓了反正 pp 付款死了我正好退钱白 Piáo

阿里云 我 pp 付款的

emptysuns 同失联了,网站被打了吧

HongKongDoll load average: 4,98, 3,64, 1,75 复制代码 估计母鸡被干了

misakano 小鸡负载已经恢复了,商家网站还打不开

ccf 确定?我小鸡探针直接失联了,母鸡关机了吧

ccf 这货不止一台母鸡啊。。。load average: 0,00, 0,06, 0,66 复制代码

emptysuns 官网恢复了

注册 好了

注册 Ceph Cluster (KVM) Downtime This morning we’ve experienced a downtime in our Ceph Cluster. After checking the logs we’ve found out that a Boot – SSD of a Cluster Node was failing and causing hickups in the Data Distribution. After all Data was moved off that Disk it was replaced by a new one and everything is up and running again. In the next few days we will perform several maintenance works to prevent such a problem from occurring again, no downtime is expected during the maintenance works.  We’re very sorry about this downtime, each Client affected by this downtime will get a free 3 day extension of his service. Please open a ticket in our clientarea to obtain it. 创建时间: 2022-08-06 16:12:42 (29 minutes ago)

HongKongDoll 原来不是被打了,是存储炸了,商家铁锅。就给三天,扣死人啊

server0608 确实很抠,好歹补偿一个月啊
