为什么我说vir 跑路几率越来越大


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国外那个论坛 半个月没登录了
现在 工单也不回复解决

所以 有小鸡的赶紧出吧。


注册 一问都说跑路,一出鸡都秒无

bluxessssc 其他人不知道 你不续费对得起你得名字吗??还有几个月到黑五了  我建议老板现在拖  到黑五再捞一笔 像绿云搞 3 年之类  再跑

lbw 好的,你说的对 那你有没有 vir 小鸡,年付 11 刀以内的,剩余价值接盘

第八史诗 mjj 不出,vir 还是挺香的,黑五每年也要参加,跑路?跑了再说

心上人 员工都跑了,胖老板还能扛

lyh36279 赶紧跑路吧,我马上开一个 virlittle 收留被抛弃的 mjj

笑花落半世琉璃 倒是有新回复,不过还是要考虑 Vir 跑路的可能性 Update: all tickets with appropriately titled dedicated server migration tickets have been completed. Sorry it took so long. I did get help with these so if yours isn’t completed, let me know. If your ticket is merged or titled anything else other than “Dedicated Server Migration” it’s up to you but it might work to your benefit to close it and create a new one in the priority department titled as such. Sorry for falling behind on replies here; I’ll still try to reply to everyone but there’s more comments than I can handle right now without losing focus. Some other updates/information: We are aware of the few servers offline. I requested someone update the status page this morning. These will unfortunately take some time to resolve given the current situation we’re in. Japan and Amsterdam storage nodes are going to be sent out early next week or possibly by the end of this week. I know these have been heavily delayed and again, I apologize. I’ve requested someone complete re-creations for broken VMs so if yours is still inaccessible at this point, please make sure you have a priority ticket in for it. Server controls for dedicated servers are still unfortunately broken. If you require some action such as a reboot or reinstall then please put in a priority ticket for it. We’re still trying to get controls completed but waiting @Daevien said: SJCZ008 & NYCB004S just had posts on https://billing.virmach.com/serverstatus.php Virmach is alive and hopefully even managed some sleep this weekend? Yes, I’ve been catching up on sleep and delegating a lot of tasks to others at the company. I haven’t been around because I want to make sure I spend the time I have fruitfully so at this time it’s better I get important tasks done instead of hanging around the forums. I suppose a negative way of looking at things would be to say I finally “burned out” after the last year of constant work but I definitely need some more time to recuperate at this point (and it’ll ultimately be beneficial.)

bondjames 去年中秋和黑五的机器快到期了 还续不续呢

Asakinb 没事,极端点的就算 vir 真跑路,也不会丢了一个亿,除非持有好几台神机那些可能就有点遗憾了,还打算出它可以去多几趟大保健

韭菜 我要是 V 胖,我就开 888 传家宝,来收割论坛 MJJ 一波再跑路

注册 去年花 20 快收的一号双机,快一年了,哪怕跑路我也不亏了

注册 这评论哪来的?有地址嘛

蜗牛也是牛 vir 的问题根本处理不完  不过只要老板不要脸 直接不管 不增加运营成本 还是有希望不跑

bluxessssc 你有 vir 要出吗

理想三旬 一问都说跑路,一出鸡都秒无
