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Posted by admin on 08/31/2022 (21:01)Operator
We apologize for not being able to answer your ticket. If applicable, we have automatically applied store credit to your account based on your wait time.
In this case, the ticket has been closed as we are unable to process multiple tickets and/or replies per customer at this time. If you still require assistance, please make a single new ticket with a single reply and we will be able to process these tickets more quickly. If you require assistance for more than one service or have multiple concerns, please wait until the first ticket receives a resolution before creating another ticket.

If you still require assistance, please make a single new ticket with a single reply
If you require assistance for more than one service or have multiple concerns, please wait until the first ticket receives a resolution before creating another ticket.
怎么处理写得明明白白,就硬装看不懂是吧。这不就是下文了吗?VIR 关闭了付费迁移工单 直接请求退款啊发工单退款 money 呢? 要回来吧迁移不了,鸡出不出的呢?

wutiao 发表于 2022-9-1 15:14
money 呢? 要回来吧

泼出去的水还能收回来?这个就相当于是给 vir 打赏的!

infplus 发表于 2022-9-1 15:16
泼出去的水还能收回来?这个就相当于是给 vir 打赏的!

VIR 关闭了付费迁移工单VIR 关闭了付费迁移工单

dqjdda 发表于 2022-9-1 15:44

退到余额 不错的几号申请的迁移
