HH 离线


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HH, HK 216 段离线了吗

收 hhhk 出的大佬 pm 我维护你没收到邮件吗 9 点多就恢复了吧是离线了吗?也是 216 的 TM 的衰人,我刚重装系统,然后一直连不了,也 ping 不通,还以为我这出什么问题了。

fangfang22 发表于 2022-9-9 12:52

我没有收到维护邮件老哥是 2 年 60 刀的吗?如果是的配置发一个看下,我感觉 HH 忽悠我了

mazilong 发表于 2022-9-9 12:59

You are receiving this email because you currently have an active VM in Hong Kong with us, that has an IP address assigned from the range
In the recent past, we have outgrown our network design and capacity in this location, and have decided to install the new Juniper kits with 40G capacity, as is the standard in all of our other locations.
We will be performing a migration to our new network infrastructure in the coming few days.
Your active VMs in the IP range above will be migrated during the following time window:
Friday, 9th September 2022
Start: 16:00 GMT+8
End: 20:00 GMT+8
Total expected downtime: <15 minutes
Expected impact: Shutdown and boot, no data changes

mazilong 发表于 2022-9-9 13:04
老哥是 2 年 60 刀的吗?如果是的配置发一个看下,我感觉 HH 忽悠我了

2021-08-10 hosthatch 香港 65 美元每两年(422.16)2 核 8G 40G SSD 2T 流量 1Gbps 带宽

fangfang22 发表于 2022-9-9 13:06
You are receiving this email because you currently have an active VM in Hong Kong with us, that ha …


fangfang22 发表于 2022-9-9 13:07
2021-08-10 hosthatch 香港 65 美元每两年(422.16)2 核 8G 40G SSD 2T 流量 1Gbps 带宽
我是这款 …

那我是 60 刀配置都一样流量 1.6T

mazilong 发表于 2022-9-9 13:38
那我是 60 刀配置都一样流量 1.6T

你买的时间是我的时间早吧?HH 已经歇菜了,整个 ASN 都被联通空路由了

mazilong 发表于 2022-9-9 12:58
是离线了吗?也是 216 的 TM 的衰人,我刚重装系统,然后一直连不了,也 ping 不通,还以为我这出什么问题了。…

现在测升级完毕从以前的 500-600,现在测 10G 口了
Nanjing CT 2.86 Mbps 67.59 Mbps 267.65 ms
Hefei CT 1.20 Mbps 2.69 Mbps 615.49 ms
ShangHai CU 802.74 Mbps 1441.30 Mbps 100.86 ms
Zhengzhou CU 2.96 Mbps 1687.99 Mbps 128.31 ms
Tokyo 1595.83 Mbps 2499.41 Mbps 55.63 ms
Hong Kong 5041.64 Mbps 5351.08 Mbps 0.42 ms
Singapore 1929.60 Mbps 2864.58 Mbps 42.81 ms
San Jose 702.34 Mbps 567.47 Mbps 153.35 ms
