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OVH 涨价,ONEMAN 撑不下去了
During our operation, we have provided affordable VPS services with high quality support. Unfortunately, as a result of personal circumstances, we can no longer support our VPS line at a level of quality that is acceptable to both us and our customers. At the end of November 2022, our VPS services will be shut down and your data will be deleted from the servers.
If you would like to request a refund for a yearly service, please create a ticket and a refund for the remaining period will be provided.
Please note that shared hosting will continue to run for the forseeable future, and we will continue to do our best to provide quality support for this line of products.
Thank you for your understanding.
在我们的运营过程中,我们提供了负担得起的 VPS 服务和高质量的支持。不幸的是,由于个人情况,我们无法再以我们和我们的客户都能接受的质量水平支持我们的 VPS 产品线。2022 年 11 月末,我们的 VPS 服务将关闭,您的数据将从服务器中删除。
gardencloud- 又双叒叕一个 ONEMAN 跑路了
主机收录 ( 搜索“免费”免费领一年小鸡!
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这个不能算跑路,就正常倒闭而已,该退钱的退钱了,没啥可指责的。又跑了一家,不过能退款还是不错的。没用过猛一看我以为绿云呢看成 greencloud 这家是 ONEMAN 母鸡全是 OVH 还是机械硬盘 能开到现在算不错了吓我一跳 以为是 绿云 ovh 的 ip 开始收费 hz 涨价 半数 ovh 分销商倒闭。有意思是不是对跑路这个词有什么误解
