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Dear customer,As you have might noticed, starting at around 7:12AM (CST) our Kansas City, MO servers were down. Upon checking with the datacenter, there was an issue with the circuit that was tripped, which also happened last month. To provide a permanent solution, we have asked the electrician to run another circuit and moved over our equipment. The service has been restored at around 9:28AM (CST). In order to prevent it from happening in the future, we have requested the DC to connect additional power for redundancy, but due to their current limitations, this will be scheduled at the end of November.We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused.If you have any questions, please open a support ticket to our Technical department.Thanks!GreenCloud Team 尊敬的客户:,正如您可能注意到的那样,从上午 7 点 12 分(CST)开始,我们的堪萨斯城 MO 服务器出现故障。在与数据中心进行检查后,电路出现了问题,该电路跳闸,上个月也发生了这种情况。为了提供一个永久的解决方案,我们要求电工运行另一个电路,并移动我们的设备。服务已于上午 9 点 28 分(CST)左右恢复。为了防止将来发生这种情况,我们已经要求 DC 连接额外的电源进行冗余,但由于目前的限制,这将安排在 11 月底对于由此可能造成的不便,我们深表歉意。如果您有任何问题,请向我们的技术部门开具支持票。谢谢 GreenCloud 团队复制代码 jore 2022-11-16 09:34 2 机房连备用电源都不做的 tdd 2022-11-16 09:36 3 不能免费迁移到东京 实在太遗憾了 崽崽 2022-11-16 09:38 4 哈哈哈堪萨斯停电了 gtgc2005 2022-11-16 10:16 5 堪萨斯垃圾场 能给你解决就不错了
