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刚刚看到一个老外(或许)在 let 上吐槽网络差
48 号是不是有个老哥在鉴黄来着
Hi guys, this is my first reply.
I purchased 1GB RAM SSD OpenVZ VPS with 100GB of disk space configured (originally 30GB) due to a setup error. However, due to severe packet loss and abnormal network speed, it is almost unusable. So I submitted a ticket in the hope that it would solve the network problem. Eventually I watched them change my IP, but it still didn’t work. Finally I moved to another node and the packet loss problem was solved, but at the same time the 100GB disk space was restored to 30GB. So I searched for similar cases and finally saw in the Chinese forum(Hostloc) that many people had bought the wrong configuration. Even someone with 100GB was corrected back to 30GB, and then customer service gave in to keep his 100GB. Maybe it’s because my nationality is not Chinese, but with this unpleasantness, I shouldn’t use DediPath again in the future.
If you have a Hostloc account, you can also share my comment.
If you are DC04R05SRV48 node, you can also see if there is a packet loss problem.
If you really want to buy, it is recommended that you do not buy Los Angeles.
They are very quick to respond to tickets, which is their advantage, just not necessarily fair to everyone.
有多少 mjj 在 ddp1.22 重建之后成功要求把硬盘改回 100g 的
有多少 mjj 在 ddp1.22 重建之后成功要求把硬盘改回 100g 的

这文笔看着就是 mjj,顺便还把所有国人一起卖了,以后用中国人的身份买鸡更受歧视了一看就他妈是中国蝗虫一眼 MJJ,就 1.22$ 的玩具,老外懒得撕逼。真是丢脸还跑去 LET 舔 1.22 刀 还想买到宝?我靠,这图 PR 线路既视感好红 和我的头像一样国产蝗虫没必要,本来就是 bug,不要得了便宜还卖乖。不喜欢就月抛吧 不要折磨商家了 ddp 垃圾,再不用了,已退款请求删除账号了。
