HostHatch 2022 年黑色星期五优惠


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以下是 2022 年黑色星期五的可用优惠。要订购,请访问: 香港和新加坡存储虚拟机:1 CPU core1 TB storage0.5 GB RAM1 TB bandwidth$35 per year, $60 per two years (doubled RAM for two year payments)1 CPU core2 TB storage1 GB RAM2 TB bandwidth$60 per year, $100 per two years (doubled RAM for two year payments)1 CPU core3 TB storage1.5 GB RAM3 TB bandwidth$90 per year, $160 per two years (doubled RAM for two year payments) 香港 – 1 周预计到达时间用于配置新加坡 – 2 周预计到达时间用于配置(可能会延迟)洛杉矶、芝加哥、阿姆斯特丹、斯德哥尔摩、纽约存储虚拟机:1 CPU core1 TB storage0.5 GB RAM5 TB bandwidth$30 per year$65 per 3 years (doubled RAM and bandwidth for three year payments)1 CPU core2 TB storage1 GB RAM10 TB bandwidth$50 per year$110 per 3 years (doubled RAM and bandwidth for three year payments)2 CPU cores10 TB storage1.5 GB RAM20 TB bandwidth$175 per year$300 per 2 years (doubled RAM and bandwidth for two year payments) 洛杉矶、芝加哥、阿姆斯特丹、斯德哥尔摩 – 1 周预计到达时间用于调配纽约 – 2 周预计到达时间用于调配 NVMe 虚拟机(E5 CPU)- 阿姆斯特丹、斯德哥尔摩、洛杉矶、米兰、马德里、华沙、纽约、苏黎世 2 CPU cores (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)8 GB RAM30 GB NVMe storage3 TB bandwidth$35 per year, $60 per 2 years(doubled storage and bandwidth for two year payments)3 CPU cores (1 dedicated, 2 shared)16 GB RAM60 GB NVMe storage6 TB bandwidth$70 per year, $120 per two years(doubled storage and bandwidth for two year payments)NVMe 虚拟机(AMD EPYC)- 芝加哥、洛杉矶、维也纳、苏黎世、阿姆斯特丹、斯德哥尔摩、香港、东京、悉尼、新加坡 2 CPU cores (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)4 GB RAM30 GB NVMe storage5 TB bandwidth (1 TB APAC)$35 per year(+ 1 GB RAM, 2x bandwidth when paying for two years)3 CPU cores (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%)8 GB RAM60 GB NVMe storage10 TB bandwidth (2 TB APAC)$70 per year(+ 2 GB RAM, 2x bandwidth when paying for two years)4 CPU cores (200% dedicated, burstable up to 400%)16 GB RAM100 GB NVMe storage20 TB bandwidth (4 TB APAC)$125 per year(+ 4 GB RAM, 2x bandwidth when paying for two years) 芝加哥、洛杉矶、维也纳、苏黎世、阿姆斯特丹、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼 – 1 周预计到达时间,用于配置香港、新加坡、东京、纽约 – 2 周预计到达时间用于配置现有客户可享受 5% 的折扣。请在结账时使用代码“THANKYOU”。Qimiao 2022-11-24 19:02 2 没啥值得购买的 net666 2022-11-24 19:03 315 美元 250g 彻底绝版?????队长不在家 2022-11-24 19:05 4 这机没啥可买的呢 生如风絮 2022-11-24 19:26 5 之前黑五的出账单可以续费了 hardwar 2022-11-24 19:38 61T 大盘机挺便宜啊 3 年 65 美元 dong3 2022-11-24 19:39 7 今天刚 0 溢价除了 15 美元 250G 的 HostHatch
