有需要Directadmin STANDARD $ 29 /month 授权的看过来


共计 1423 个字符,预计需要花费 4 分钟才能阅读完成。

官方原价 29 刀一个月
从我这里拿 15 刀一个月 两个月起付
名额只有两个.. 反正是不挣钱 官方给的原价就是 15 刀
有意的 PM 我
来源渠道: 很多年前买的 299 刀授权 官方给出了升级方案 一个人用不了 拉两个小伙伴一起用
A special offer for legacy license holders — all the benefits of a retail Standard license, at a heavily discounted price.
Once the license is upgraded under this special offer, it cannot be converted back to the old license type.
An active billing subscription must be maintained to keep the license active. If the license expires, it can not be activated again. Initial payment must be made within 10 days of license conversion, or the license will be considered permanently forfeited/expired. In all cases, the expired license will not revert back to its old product type.
Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions.

几年前在 uovz 买了一个永久期限的,一直没用过,不知道好玩不,也不知道为啥买

miuler 发表于 2022-11-27 14:41
几年前在 uovz 买了一个永久期限的,一直没用过,不知道好玩不,也不知道为啥买 …


腾讯云 6 折购 发表于 2022-11-27 14:59

有需要 Directadmin STANDARD $ 29 /month 授权的看过来有需要 Directadmin STANDARD $ 29 /month 授权的看过来这个和永久版有啥区别?

miuler 发表于 2022-11-27 21:25

之前有个 MJJ 好像 200 多出了。

ccf 发表于 2022-11-27 21:28

永久版会被打上旧版代码库 可能不给更新
Python/Java/Ruby/Perl/NodeJS support with the use of Nginx Unit
Per-User Redis manager
Additional features for Nginx (automatic CMS templates, WordPress+FastCGI cache support)
Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.)
Admin SSL (SSL administration, ability to use cross-user wildcard certs, replace expired certs with Let’s Encrypt)
More advanced Email Track&Trace, Email Summary
Web Terminal
GIT manager
ClamAV scanner for filesystem scans
WordPress manager
IMAP sync for Email synchronization 复制代码
