hyonix 改不了邮箱吗?


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大佬们 发工单 客服说改不了

我早上发的到现在还没回复 hyonix 改不了邮箱吗? 三四个小时就回复了这家可以一直改邮箱,那么为啥改不了呢?我又想起昨晚我写的东西。
hyonix 改不了邮箱吗? 改不了,他们说只有活动款的话改不了,你要不再买个别的机型试一下?以前能改的现在不能改 For accounts that own the Black Friday promo code, they will not be able to transfer the server to another account or change the account’s email.
黑五的订单不能更改 Hi Zxxx, currently we do not support email change as it appears that there is account transfer activity, which is prohibited if you are solely using our BFCM offer (which is not transferrable).
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Kind Regards
