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如题,之前是我的鸡,出给了群里的小伙伴,他黑五买了很多鸡,现在说这仨没时间玩了,他没论坛账号,让我帮忙挂一下。剩余价值出 — 以下为之前的鸡况信息:如题,改邮箱出。有意 PM 或者 TG:  @ralstonlsh 已经组好内网,配置好 IPv6。2H8G 的可以当前端,NFS 挂载 2T 的大盘机做后端,做 2H8G,2T 硬盘的性能兼具大盘的大鸡鸡。IPv6 可以随便更换,刷 PT 很舒服。【有用的小知识】Docker-qBittorrent 开启 IPv6 笔记:https://blog.laoda.de/archives/docker-qbittorrent-ipv6NFS 挂载教程:https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-nfs-mount-on-ubuntu-20-04HostHatch 新面板内网互联经验分享(含 NFS 配置):https://blog.laoda.de/archives/hosthatch-private-networking-configuration— 鸡况如下:Intel E5 CLOUD COMPUTEE5 NVMe 1 GBCPU Cores:1Storage:10.00 GBRAM:1.00 GiBBandwidth:1.00 TBBILLING CYCLENext payment is due on 2023-11-28 for a total of $11.00.Intel E5 CLOUD COMPUTEE5 NVMe Promo 8CPU Cores:2Storage:40.00 GBRAM:8.00 GiBBandwidth:5.00 TBBILLING CYCLENext payment is due on 2023-11-29 for a total of $30.00.STORAGE VMSUPGRADEStorage 2TBCPU Cores:1Storage:2.00 TBRAM:4.00 GiBBandwidth:6.00 TBBILLING CYCLENext payment is due on 2023-11-28 for a total of $40.00. hostlocmjj 2022-12-01 15:51 2 好机绑定!今年的 2t 大盘机好像都是 20t 流量?
