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一大早起来再次收到客服邮件,被告知他们将视为所有黑五买的服务器该服务不可用,但是也没有提出退款安排,直接回怼 pm:My server was ordered when you launched the promotion, and it was online soon. Now you tell me that there is no stock, and even the server I opened is unavailable. What do you mean? That is to say, you are basically a fake promotional activity. After the launch of the activity, customers will buy and then tell everyone that you have no goods. When I use Alipay to pay, you will not return the fees in the same way. Everything is fraud, a deceptive activity, a fraud. You have been using zh since last year 不知道他们的客服有没有带眼睛工作,这家从去年 24 美元活动到现在,一直都是使用这种技术强制消费,各位做站的还是提防点吧,没准哪天放好数据建好站突然机器没了一切归零 ………………… 184682563 2022-12-03 10:32 2 这么 **,那要在坛子里宣传一下的 2521298 2022-12-03 10:33 3 受害者 +1 darius 2022-12-03 10:33 4 暂时没有收到任何邮件,你的订单开机了吗,没开机的肯定是要被退了 liugogal 2022-12-03 10:34 5 惯犯了,我 20 年的时候就是这么被坑的,不过还好可以原路退 枝江小狼王 2022-12-03 10:38 6 还好没上车 gbk 2022-12-03 10:39 7darius 发表于 2022-12-3 10:33 暂时没有收到任何邮件,你的订单开机了吗,没开机的肯定是要被退了都开机了,但是他们客服似乎不带眼镜看,我重复了几次,我的服务器已经在线,他回我将会直接认为该服务不可用 weiai 2022-12-03 10:41 8gbk 发表于 2022-12-3 10:39 都开机了,但是他们客服似乎不带眼镜看,我重复了几次,我的服务器已经在线,他回我将会直接认为该服务不 … 东西我卖你了,但是我又不想卖了,还要恶心你一下,。真 **6666 Bestnf 2022-12-03 10:59 9 欺诈惯犯,后悔买之前没搜索一下这家口碑
