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用的自带 Debian 看 top 和探针    cpu 占用 内存 都很正常     ping 的延迟也正常就是卡到起飞: SSH 连半天 还断        宝塔都打不开我就纳闷 哪里出问题 Oneman 2022-12-04 15:53 2 黑五刚过,都在搬家,折腾。过俩仨月再看看。Rayer 2022-12-04 15:53 3 自己的网络不好呗,还能啥原因 toneal 2022-12-04 15:54 4ss://[email protected]:3333#test 这个点儿不应该呀 半世烟尘 2022-12-04 15:54 5 建议看下 IO 是不是被限 10M/ s 了? dragonfsky 2022-12-04 15:55 6 看起来像是 Cloudflare 到你的 VPS 存在问题 micms 2022-12-04 15:55 7Rayer 发表于 2022-12-4 15:53 自己的网络不好呗,还能啥原因 Cloudflare 都连不上这机子。。机子跑 wget 网速也正常 yangken 2022-12-04 15:56 8 我也买了几台,是不太行而且自己买的 N 台机器虽然 IP 段不同。但是明显可以互抢带宽感觉黑五,厂商就是把机器猛超售,把最垃圾的蛊放一个盒子里 fuju 2022-12-04 15:56 9We\’re dealing with a huge amount of orders during Black Friday. All these customers that are ordering HDD Storage VPSes are using their VPSes at the same time.This causes huge amounts of IO load on our platform unfortunately. This is how HDD drives work unfortunately, performance drops once HDD drives have to deal with lots of random IO. We suppose you know how HDD drives work, and how usage impacts performance.Please have some patience and and let\’s stay realistic with the fact this is Black Friday and during this periods the platform has unusual amount of load. Things should smooth out over the next days. We\’re also distribution loads a bit across the platform. micms 2022-12-04 15:57 10toneal 发表于 2022-12-4 15:54ss://[email protected]:3333#test 这个点儿不应该呀 我 ping 过 wget 下载过 网络应该是没问题就是间歇性断 能连上 1 分钟左右 又断几分钟估计是性能问题?micms 2022-12-04 15:58 11dragonfsky 发表于 2022-12-4 15:55 看起来像是 Cloudflare 到你的 VPS 存在问题应该是硬盘问题了 其他都正常的   cpu   网络 都 ok9 楼的应该是正解了 micms 2022-12-04 16:00 12fuju 发表于 2022-12-4 15:56We\’re dealing with a huge amount of orders during Black Friday. All these customers that are orderin … 谢谢分享通知 那明白了 估计硬盘 io 炸了
