Namecheap 竟然也有风控


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账号登录不了,域名也给我停了,让发证件,一直在用,要不是看 Namecheap 隐私保护免费,我也不会去用它,,大佬们还有啥商家 提供免费的隐私保护呢,VALIDATION ERRORWe spotted some unusual activity on your account, so we temporarily locked it for your security.We may request:Passport;Identity card;Permanent resident card;Health Insurance card with photo (Canada, USA, Australia);Driver\’s license;U.S. Military ID;A utility bill or a bank statement;Organization formation documents (e.g., a Certificate or Articles of Incorporation);Documents that confirm the Security Company\’s legitimacy;Trademark Notice;DMCA(Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Takedown Notice;HMRC tax notification;A photo of the credit/debit card (we do not need the full card information, and we may ask to hide or blur some of the sensitive details in brackets);A screenshot of the PayPal transaction details;Court orders;Birth Certificate;Death Certificate;Change of name certificate;Marriage license.The list of the documents is not complete, and in some cases, we may request providing or filling out additional documents and request their notarization. louiejordan 2022-12-05 21:53 2 我一直用也没遇到过这个问题,你怎么注册的 华盛顿 2022-12-05 21:55 3louiejordan 发表于 2022-12-5 21:53 我一直用也没遇到过这个问题,你怎么注册的正常注册的,只不过是挂着梯子,但是 也同样挂着梯子,几年了都没事儿 louiejordan 2022-12-05 21:57 4 华盛顿 发表于 2022-12-5 21:55 正常注册的,只不过是挂着梯子,但是 也同样挂着梯子,几年了都没事儿 … 挂梯子那你就怨不得人了,重新注册一个吧
