ChatGPT还不错, 认证aws和gcp是好厂家


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我问它 aws 和 gcp 怎么样. 得到的结果不错, 可以用来当广告了. 我试了几个论坛常见的厂家, 但是 ChatGPT 都不认识.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform offered by It provides a range of services including computing, storage, and content delivery, as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. AWS is widely considered to be one of the most popular and successful cloud computing platforms in the world, with a large and growing customer base. Many companies and organizations use AWS to host their websites, applications, and data, and to take advantage of its scalable, reliable, and secure services.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform offered by Google. It provides a range of services including computing, storage, and content delivery, as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. GCP is widely considered to be a popular and successful cloud computing platform, with a large and growing customer base. Many companies and organizations use GCP to host their websites, applications, and data, and to take advantage of its scalable, reliable, and secure services. Overall, GCP is seen as a strong competitor to other major cloud computing platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

马斯克点名了,如果发币,马上 100 亿身价这个太牛逼了。搞个全自动爬知乎网 azure 怎么样
Azure 是微软的云计算平台,它提供了一系列的云服务,包括计算、数据库、分析、存储和网络等。由于 Azure 是一个大型的云计算平台,因此它具有很强的稳定性和可扩展性。此外,Azure 还与微软的其他产品和服务紧密集成,提供了一个统一的开发和运维体验。

DogeLee2 发表于 2022-12-6 18:35
azure 怎么样
Azure 是微软的云计算平台,它提供了一系列的云服务,包括计算、数据库、分析、存储和网络等 …

对, azure 也能识别. 不知道 ChatGPT 还认识哪些其他的厂家.
