用OVH一个很有意思 的事情


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用 KS1 干重体力活 经常干死机了 他们会监控 死机了就会有人过去重启
Dear Customer,
The intervention onhas been completed.
This operation was closed at 2022-11-20 17:14:31 CET (UTC +01:00)
Here are the details of this operation:
SOFT Reboot
Date 2022-11-20 15:50:31 CET (UTC +01:00), SOFT Reboot:
Operation details:
The server is on the login screen, but does not respond to ping requests.
No firewall has been detected on the server, so we have executed a software reboot.
The server is booted on disk and is on the login screen. Ping OK and services are up.
If you need any further information regarding this intervention, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support.
The OVHcloud Team
Dear Customer,
The intervention onhas been completed.
This operation was closed at 2022-11-10 06:41:41 CET (UTC +01:00)
Here are the details of this operation:
HARD Reboot
Date 2022-11-10 06:33:04 CET (UTC +01:00), HARD Reboot:
Here are the details of the operation performed:
No information on the screen ("black screen"). No response to keyboard.
Restart the server hardware.
Boot OK. Server can ‘login’. Ping OK, services started.
If you need any further information regarding this intervention, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support.
The OVHcloud Team

笑死。~ 马上加收 100 刀服务费一直都是这样的啊。发工单不会理你的,机器宕机自己就会给你解决。所以没事别瞎 BB

匿名者 发表于 2022-12-7 15:24
一直都是这样的啊。发工单不会理你的,机器宕机自己就会给你解决。所以没事别瞎 BB …

你就是个 SB 只举一个例子 因为他们后台的故障 导致续费失败 找不着人 我遇到过两次好像是机房装了监控,挂了就会报警,就有人去重启了你开了监控,只要宕机 ping 不通了了就会有机房人员处理,也有专门的页面可以看到机房所有开启了监控的机器的在线情况和维护情况。
