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商家是 Cloudie 配置:2CPU 4G 40G [email protected] 价格:USD$19/month or HKD$150/month 这边给到我的带宽峰值是 100Mbps,测试结果仅供参考,不构成任何购买推荐测速和跑分流媒体三网去程 ping 值:绿岛小夜曲 2022-12-19 17:27 2 回程线路:———————————————————————- 北京电信 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.45 ms  *  LAN Address 3  * 4  2.50 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 5  3.14 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 6  36.03 ms  *  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 7  35.99 ms  *  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom 8  44.85 ms  *  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom 9  *10 (  149.47 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom11  bj141-147-210.bjtelecom.net (  39.31 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom———————————————————————- 上海电信 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.62 ms  *  LAN Address 3  * 4  2.56 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 5  2.96 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 6  * 7  * 8  * 9  27.70 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom10  28.62 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom11  29.67 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom12  ns-pd.online.sh.cn (  27.50 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom———————————————————————- 深圳电信 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.57 ms  *  LAN Address 3  * 4  2.59 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 5  3.03 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 6  8.41 ms  *  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 7  8.35 ms  *  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom 8  10.77 ms  *  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom 9  13.04 ms  *  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom10 (  13.71 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom11  *12  11.13 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom———————————————————————- 北京联通 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.52 ms  *  LAN Address 3  8.73 ms  *  LAN Address 4  3.24 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 5  4.85 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 6  9.70 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 7  12.75 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 8  12.73 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 9  *10  *11  38.93 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom12  39.75 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom———————————————————————- 上海联通 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  1.94 ms  *  LAN Address 3  1.83 ms  *  LAN Address 4  3.24 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 5  4.28 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 6  5.80 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 7  8.57 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 8  14.08 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 9  7.72 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom10  34.11 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom11  *12  36.07 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom13  38.59 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom———————————————————————- 深圳联通 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.56 ms  *  LAN Address 3  1.41 ms  *  LAN Address 4  3.09 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 5  5.51 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 6  10.74 ms  AS10099  China, Hong Kong, ChinaUnicom 7  8.81 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 8  12.13 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom 9  6.91 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom10  *11  17.53 ms  AS17623  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaUnicom12  *13  *14  *15  *———————————————————————- 北京移动 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.48 ms  *  LAN Address 3  1.48 ms  *  LAN Address 4  3.41 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile 5  2.49 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile 6  28.39 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 7  29.74 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 8  29.82 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 9  *10  *11  57.89 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile12  51.96 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile13  cachedns03.bj.chinamobile.com (  53.90 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile———————————————————————- 上海移动 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  4.35 ms  *  LAN Address 3  1.36 ms  *  LAN Address 4  2.62 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile 5  2.63 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile 6  29.05 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 7  29.89 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 8  30.19 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile 9  *10  *11  36.95 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile12  37.06 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile13  35.28 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile———————————————————————- 深圳移动 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.63 ms  *  LAN Address 3  1.42 ms  *  LAN Address 4  6.30 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile 5  * 6  5.81 ms  AS58453  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile 7  8.43 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile 8  7.31 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile 9  18.00 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile10  10.31 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile11  11.83 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile12  15.92 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile13  ns6.gd.cnmobile.net (  15.58 ms  AS56040  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaMobile———————————————————————- 成都教育网 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets 1  * 2  0.62 ms  *  LAN Address 3  * 4  2.54 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 5  3.52 ms  AS23764  China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom 6  * 7  * 8  11.41 ms  *  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom 9  10.50 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom10  11.75 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom11  48.34 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom12  63.32 ms  AS4538  China, Shanghai, CHINAEDU13  60.00 ms  AS4538  China, Sichuan, Chengdu, CHINAEDU14  *15  *16  *17  *18  58.85 ms  AS24355  China, Sichuan, Chengdu, CHINAEDU———————————————————————- 复制代码
