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Please login to your account, from your dashboard choose services and then choose the service you would like to cancel. On the left side you will see a link to submit cancellation and once you click on it the system will proceed with the request and an acknowledgement will be emailed, system will process the request accordingly.
Immediate type cancellations are processed automatically at 1:00 AM GMT -7 the following morning and End of Cycle type cancellations are processed automatically at 1:00 AM GMT -7 on the service’s next due date.
If there is any credit due, it will be placed on your account for future use.
Any invoice will adjust once the cancel request has been processed by the system on the next day.
请登录到您的帐户,从仪表板选择服务,然后选择您要取消的服务。在左侧,您将看到一个提交取消的链接,一旦您点击它,系统将继续处理请求,并通过电子邮件发送确认,系统将相应地处理请求。立即类型的取消将在第二天早上 1:00 AM GMT - 7 自动处理,周期结束类型的取消将在服务的下一个到期日 1:00 AM GMT - 7 自动处理。如果有任何信用到期,它将被放置在您的帐户,以备将来使用。一旦系统在第二天处理了取消请求,任何 ** 都将进行调整。
there is an outstanding cancellation request for this product/service
此产品 / 服务有未完成的取消请求
我是凌晨 4 点左右购买的,一台 IP 被墙,另外一台 CPU 不是 5900x 我也取消了
目前就留了一台在用,他啥时候取消啊,我他工单回复的是第二天早上 1:00 AM GMT -7 算下来是早上 9 点啊,现在都 9 点半了 还没取消。

