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做个人吧,整天像狗见到屎就冲上去啃有啥好的?VirMach Hosting Provider
12:01PM edited 12:03PM
@lgsin said:
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typo? @VirMach
@MallocVoidstar said:
I’ll let you know if it was a typo once mine is delivered
It’s a typo and on that note I’m actually buying a new keyboard. It’s been repeating digits and causing a lot of problems for a few weeks now, once in a while.
I’ll figure out what we’ll do with these plans but obviously it’s not going to be a good experience if everyone actually tries using all of the processing power at once. We’ll see. I’ve marked them and made a list and we’ll contact people and have some kind of resolution for it, either spread them out, refund and provide some time for free or something like that.
(edit) I will say though that most the people who purchased that one are already marked as MJJ on our system, they get highlighted a different color so it’s very obvious. And I assume they all want to resell or CPU mine on it so those will be handled more expeditiously. 复制代码在 vir 没有便宜可占,你想的是高配低价,麻杆想的是如何再回收买吧,然后各种原因限制你!15 刀那个还可以,我被标记多账号,不给下单第二个还可以吧不要买死胖子的东西 15 刀的不错
Send by Discuz x Reader15 刀的开通了么?昨天买 11 核的 mjj 也是这么想的 VirMach Hosting Provider
12:01PM edited 12:03PM
@lgsin said:
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typo? @VirMach
@MallocVoidstar said:
I’ll let you know if it was a typo once mine is delivered
It’s a typo and on that note I’m actually buying a new keyboard. It’s been repeating digits and causing a lot of problems for a few weeks now, once in a while.
I’ll figure out what we’ll do with these plans but obviously it’s not going to be a good experience if everyone actually tries using all of the processing power at once. We’ll see. I’ve marked them and made a list and we’ll contact people and have some kind of resolution for it, either spread them out, refund and provide some time for free or something like that.
(edit) I will say though that most the people who purchased that one are already marked as MJJ on our system, they get highlighted a different color so it’s very obvious. And I assume they all want to resell or CPU mine on it so those will be handled more expeditiously. 复制代码在哪买 找了一圈没看见看 vir 闪购总是有点忍不住傻逼才会再去买 VIR

Zz113 发表于 2022-12-24 09:27
在哪买 找了一圈没看见


chkaja 发表于 2022-12-24 09:38

哈哈哈,竟然还推 AFF。上一个赚 AFF 的,钱没给,还被胖子骂了一顿,你说气不气

HKYUN 发表于 2022-12-24 09:53
哈哈哈,竟然还推 AFF。上一个赚 AFF 的,钱没给,还被胖子骂了一顿,你说气不气 …

aff 就隨緣了,那是之前做的網頁就不改了卖给黄牛。来个五美元以下才是王道对自己好一点
