OVH 0.97付完款竟然让我提供照片。


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看你们都在买,就跑上去注册了个号,PP 付款后,来了邮件告诉我要资料?早干嘛了?
Thank you for your recent order (XXXX) with OVHcloud.
To process your order, we need some additional information. This information is used solely for this purpose and is deleted after its use, per our Privacy Policy (
Please provide full-color photos of the following using the OVHcloudShare app (see instructions below):
– A **-issued photo ID
– A photo of yourself holding the **-issued Photo ID provided above.
Please note that this order can expire if the requested documentation is not received within 48 hours of this request. You may upload the files to the following address:
Please respond to this email to confirm your successful upload of the documents. For additional instruction in using OVHcloudShare, please review our guide: After we review the information you provide, we will validate the transaction and approve delivery/provisioning.
We thank you for your understanding, your cooperation in this matter, and for choosing OVHcloud.
(C) 2022 OVH US LLC.All rights reserved.
Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
11160 – C1 South Lake Drive, #811, Reston, VA 20191

叫个几把 无脑跟风 你自己早干嘛去了就没有扣你的钱,那是预售权,你自己都可以取消的,别啥玩意儿动不动就被坑了,这家上车可不是随随便便乱填个信息就能行的,要人工认证的,需要上传你的证件信息他们没有扣钱,你看账单就知道了,信用卡会直接取消预授权,PP 也不扣
再说了就 1 刀 要不要没有区别,我从网上随便弄了个手持,然后把资料给改了,过一段时间看看能审核通过不会退款的OVH 0.97 付完款竟然让我提供照片。发一张三点式过去

weiai 发表于 2022-12-24 18:15
他们没有扣钱,你看账单就知道了,信用卡会直接取消预授权,PP 也不扣
再说了就 1 刀 要不要没有区别,…

确实,那我不要了。PP 直接解锁去没弄明白不建议跟风這家還是挺特別的嘛。。。
