80出个美区OVH已验证账号 已开机


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内容最后由 HongKongDoll 于 2022-12-29 21:48 编辑 验证已过 已开机 [email protected],Thank you for providing the requested documentation. We have successfully validated your account. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via support ticket or chat.Thank you for choosing OVHcloud US.With Regards, hacn 2022-12-29 21:14 2 这玩意这么值钱嘛 net666 2022-12-29 21:14 3 大哥你过验证的 request received # 编号是多少 DogeLee2 2022-12-29 21:25 4 这都能卖钱的 lonefly 2022-12-29 21:28 5 换支付方式可能要求重新验证 HongKongDoll 2022-12-29 21:29 6lonefly 发表于 2022-12-29 21:28 换支付方式可能要求重新验证亲测不会 mbsi 2022-12-29 21:30 7HongKongDoll 发表于 2022-12-29 21:29 亲测不会你都没付款,怎么亲测?toot 2022-12-29 21:31 8 特别提醒。信用卡买的鸡鸡。换 PayPal 续费会要求重新提交资料 HongKongDoll 2022-12-29 21:49 9 更新 已开机
