

共计 455 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。

Your service was suspended for breach of terms of service. Generally this means you have other services, on this account or other accounts, that have resulted in the suspension of all associated services. It is not appealable. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to contact us or attempt an appeal, but it may be closed without a response.
Suspension Reason
Account not in good standing
啥意思?0.25 是限制新账户才能买的吗?

又被胖子骗了半瓶可乐吧我的退款了和注册乌龟一样的玄学了。去 let 问候胖子全家吧删号理由,性欲不佳还有删号直接密码错误且不退款的 pending
