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Order declinedBased on an analysis of your order and account data, we believe that these do not provide all the necessary guarantees in terms of transaction security. To process your order, pay for it and execute the contract, OVHcloud invites you to renew your purchase using another payment method.You can also contact one of our advisors via the help section of your account, to provide us with the information needed to complete the transaction. If not, this will not be taken into account. WZ-Software 2023-01-06 21:14 2 坏运气哦,铸造成功 nrbs 2023-01-06 21:16 3 等下一次机会吧!BZGOGO 2023-01-06 21:22 4 换个支付方式试试 duoyu 2023-01-06 21:23 5 是不是 PayPal 支付的,换成引用卡就好了 coxpc 2023-01-06 21:24 6 用的 PayPal?美区 OVH 用 PayPal 有时候新购付款失败也拿这个理由拒的,换上卡再购就行了。不过现在也新购不了 0.97 循环了。? pc88 2023-01-06 21:25 7 我的是,扣费不成功。把两个定单,关闭。。还让我找发卡方。。heartrick 2023-01-06 21:28 8 我用的中国银行的 Mastercard,明明是正常的卡啊,我才用这个卡买过东西。
