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前阵子无聊,想注册个短域名,看到。ax 后缀还不错,就注册了个 axa.ax,看起来简单又好记也完全没打算商用,一直就这么吃灰着,突然前几天收到邮件,AXA 集团的,说我侵犯他们利益,我说我都不知道你们看意思也不准备给补偿,准备直接拿走我的域名?这事我能和注册局申诉吗?赢的可能性大吗?Good Afternoon,Thank you for your response, AXA is engaged in life, health and other forms of insurance, as well as investment management and has presence in 64 countries and does business in various regions and markets, notably across Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific, and own AXA as a registered trademark worldwide. Use of our client’s trademark within your domain gives the impression that the domain and any associated content is endorsed and/or affiliated with AXA when it is not. This poses significant risk to our client as any internet user could mistake your domain and website as one authorized by AXA.AXA has a strict policy against purchasing domain names that take unfair advantage of their trademarks and therefore do not purchase domains from those whom infringe upon their trademark. In light of this we kindly ask that you agree to transfer the domain to our client’s control.As the registered trademark holder our client is afforded certain rights and protections against unauthorized, third-party domain registrations containing their trademarks. While our client does prefer to resolve this matter amicably they are prepared to exercise those rights to recover the domain name.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.Sincerely,AXA Group Department / Brand Protection 风呼呼 2023-01-20 07:00 2 故意的吧 早干嘛去了 非要注册后才有权益 米老鼠 2023-01-20 07:03 3 又没有建立跟他业务相关的网站,让他们出钱买回去 sagerking 2023-01-20 07:05 4sorry,who are you?please fuck off 匿名 2023-01-20 07:33 5 你有可能会咸鱼翻身发大财 nttstar 2023-01-20 07:48 6AXA 全球最大的保险公司之一,这家国内子公司叫安盛天平……楼主要硬刚的话加油~
