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Hi,Nice to e-meet you!I\’m Liron, a senior account manager at AdMaven.As you probably know, many similar sites to yours, use our products, and the results are usually outstanding. Based on your site analysis, your site has huge potential!By combining forces with our partners, we\’ll maximize your results and rates, while keeping your user experience high as ever.I can provide fast payment terms, like a weekly basis, and pay you up to 20% more than any ad network company.Let\’s start with 3 days with full payment.How does your traffic look like these days? I would like to show you some numbers.Happy day,All the best,Liron. 复制代码你好,很高兴认识你!我是 Liron,是 AdMaven 的高级客户经理。正如您可能知道的那样,许多与您的网站类似的网站都使用我们的产品,而且结果通常都很出色。根据您的网站分析,您的网站潜力巨大!通过与我们的合作伙伴强强联手,我们将最大限度地提高您的结果和费率,同时让您的用户体验一如既往。我可以提供快速付款条件,例如每周付款,并且比任何广告网络公司多付给您 20%。让我们从 3 天全额付款开始。这些天您的路况如何?我想给你看一些数字。快乐的一天,一切顺利,利龙。复制代码已经收到了好几封邮件了,没理他,有坛友遇到过吗 fuck_virtvire 2023-01-23 13:11 2 这样的我都不理它
