你们的 ovh 0.97 放站,套 cf 吗


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裸奔快一个月了,就中途收到过一封官方邮件说什么放入保护池子,使用上没感觉到什么在考虑要不要套 CloudflareDear Customer,We have just detected an attack on IP address *.*.*.*In order to protect your infrastructure, we vacuumed up your traffic onto our mitigation infrastructure.The entire attack will thus be filtered by our infrastructure, and only legitimate traffic will reach your servers.At the end of the attack, your infrastructure will be immediately withdrawn from the mitigation. gick 2023-02-02 15:38 2 肯定要套 Cloudflare 呀,IP 是墙的,不套打不开 xjlxjl 2023-02-02 15:38 3 带套子安全点 canxunhulian 2023-02-02 15:38 4 套了 img.pigpig.in makizhang 2023-02-02 15:44 5 虽然戴套安全但是不戴舒服啊 moowee 2023-02-02 15:46 6 电信不套也还行,联通套不套有什么区别么 流星 2023-02-02 15:47 7 当然要套,速度会稍稍快一些。jiao1396009596 2023-02-02 16:14 8 不套的话速度感觉比较快点?
