关于Google Voice永久保号的教程(附与谷歌客服对话的证明)


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之前在坛子里看有人在问说 GV 能不能永久保号,也就是携号转网功能,经上月我咨询 GV 客服,得到的答复是 转入号码不会被回收,客服原话如下:

For now the policy of Google Voice states that ported in number can´t be reclaimed.

As for the other number, you need to make sure that you do an activity on it.

But for the ported number it will stay on your account unless you delete it.”(完整对话放最后)

也就是说,携号转网到 gv 之后,该号码不会被收回,不用保号。而如果账号里原有 gv 号码,则原 gv 号码仍需要保号,两个号码两套规则。



1. 美国 实体号码 一个,保证 能接受一条验证码 ,如果有 esim 手机可以去试试申请 tello 的 5$ 套餐,或者 t -mobile 的 10$ 套餐,或者买 ultra mobile 的 paygo,注意 不能是虚拟号码

2. 翻译软件

3. 信用卡(实测美国 visa 卡和香港的 MasterCard 可以)


1. 去 gv 官网点携号转网,输入要转入的手机号码,收一条验证码以验证能否转号,如果能转网就进行下一步,不能就会提示你无法转网

2. 去找实体号码运营商客服,说你要 port out this number,让他提供一下 account name 和 pin,注意这个是 要专门找客服要的,不是运营商网站的账户密码

3. 把 account name 和 pin 写入到 gv 官网下一步的页面里,点继续就可以了

4. 付款 20$

5. 付款完成后 gv 官网携号转网页面会显示一个预计完成时间,基本这个时间完了就转好了,还是很准的

6. 时刻关注 gmail 邮箱,如果携号转网过程有错,或者信息填错了导致要重新弄,都会发邮件到 gmail 里

7. 转网后可以试试电话能不能接听和拨打,短信能不能收发,一般很快就可以了,如果不行就再等等

Google Support

You’re connected with agent Edna.
12:26 am
Hi {%CUSTOMERNAME%}. Welcome to Google Voice Support. My name is Edna. How are you today?
Edna · 12:26 am
hello Edna
12:26 am
Hi Chen
Edna · 12:26 am
I am porting in a number from T-mobile to Google Voice. And my existing Google Voice account already has a phone number.

According to the Google Voice policy that “You can use the porting number to replace your current Voice number or make the current Voice number permanent on your account in Settings after number porting completes”

Dose that mean I can get two permanent Google Voice numbers after paying 20$ and finishing porting in?
12:26 am
I understand that you are trying to port your number to Google Voice.

Yes you can have two permanent numbers.

So basically once the number is ported in completely to Google Voice that number will become the primary number.

And this number can´t be reclaim by Google unless of course you delete it from your account.

As for the original Google Voice number it will become the secondary number.

In order to keep it.

You need to make sure that you click on the make permanent option once the porting of the new number is complete.

You can then switched between those number.

As what you make primary or secondary per se.
Edna · 12:29 am
No matter how Google Voice policy changes in the future, I can always have two permanent numbers and not be reclaim, right?
12:30 am
For now the policy of Google Voice states that ported in number can´t be reclaimed.

As for the other number, you need to make sure that you do an activity on it.

Like any inactivity for a period of 3 months will tantamount to Google Voice reclaiming the number.
Edna · 12:32 am
1. other number will be reclaimed if i dont use it for a period of 3 months.
the other number will be reclaimed if i dont use it for a period of 3 months.

12:34 am
That ́s correct.

That is for the original Google Voice number.
Edna · 12:34 am
and the port in number will not be reclaimed, even if i dont use it for longer than 3 months
12:35 am
But for the ported number it will stay on your account unless you delete it.

Yes that is correct.

It will stay.
Edna · 12:35 am
i get you
12:36 am

I hope I was able to answer your question.
Edna · 12:38 am
Everything was clear, thank you for you kindly help, Miss Edna.
have a nice day!
12:39 am
You ́re welcome.

Is there anything else that I can help you with?
Edna · 12:39 am
No, I don’t have any questions at the moment.
Thank you
12:39 am
Alright then.

Thank you for contacting Google Voice Support. Take care and have a good one!


注册 没太理解,有实体号码为什么要转到谷歌了?我之前是把谷歌号码转到实体号来的

月亮 你说了半天把不懂得人弄得更不懂了,我简单给你总结一下,这个早都有得,舍得花 20 刀,就能把 GV 号永久保留,只能收短信接电话,不能主动打主动发。明白了吗。

tawer 好吧,需求面可能不太广,我是把谷歌虚拟号转成实体号保号来着,价格也差不多

hoshino 有实体号码也不想转到谷歌吧,毕竟谷歌产品还有可能封禁

tawer 免费够用,且自动保号 **************************** * 出售:98 堂邀,1024 邀。Q 我!* 年付 10 元机场 1 元机场 三分机场 免费机场 一元机场 * ****************************

蛋饼 干货,就是不懂

coobar 其实就是花 20$ 永久保号。对于一些的暂时不在美国,但又想保留原有的美国电话号码的人来说,花 20$ 可以一直保留这个号码,要用的时候可以再转回去。而且自用的谷歌老号一般也不那么容易被封,我自己一个 10 年的号,ip 随便登都没事

jpfree 实体号码干嘛要花钱转成虚拟号?

月亮 对于一些的暂时不在美国,但又想保留原有的美国电话号码的人来说,花 20$ 可以一直保留这个号码,可以享受 gv 的政策,要用的时候可以再转回去。

CoolCollin 对于一些的暂时不在美国,但又想保留原有的美国电话号码的人来说,花 20$ 可以一直保留这个号码,可以享受 gv 的政策,要用的时候可以再转回去。

注册 不错,讲的挺详细的

注册 实体号保号的话可以参考我上一个帖子,能办 0 月租的 legacy pay as you go 套餐,其实更划算

草丛中一杯茶 花这么多钱我不如保号

月亮 还不如保号

HOH 转号后实体号会变成虚拟号, 同样很多 app 禁止虚拟号, 没必要呀

youhei 感谢分享,mark 备用

cai198271 你说了半天把不懂得人弄得更不懂了,我简单给你总结一下,这个早都有得,舍得花 20 刀,就能把 GV 号永久保留,只能收短信接电话,不能主动打主动发。明白了吗。

道友好 你的 gg 账号都能回收,直接给你把账号都扬了。

hoshino 不不不,转入后一样可以接听和拨打电话,一样可以接收和发送短信,享受的政策和普通 gv 号是一样的

escn 收藏了

注册 现在有个 3 刀的什么 GO 卡,怎么搞成 0 月租?

注册 t-mobile 的还是 ultra mobile 的?前者的话打 611 让客服改就行了

sunsun 大佬 免费 如何自动保号  
