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Dear valued customer,
we would like to inform you about the upcoming migration of the current service from Osaka DC to our Tokyo DC in the following days: March 2nd – March 3rd, 2023.
Expected downtime: 15 – 30 minutes Your affected VPS’s IP: **********

Maintenance Date: GMT+9
Start Time: 06:00AM Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
End Time: 04:00PM Friday, March 3rd, 2023

The reason behind this migration is that we aspire to provide you with higher performance and connection stability.
As datacenter migration, we will need to change the IP address of your VPS, but no data/software will be affected. You will receive the new IP address by email or by logging in to the Client Area/SolusVM Control Panel
If you wish to keep the current IP, please contact us 2-3 weeks after the migration is completed, as only then the IP range will be reannounced.

Please open a support ticket to our technical department if you need to schedule the migration earlier.We apologize for any convenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Your GreenCloud Team.


注册 欢迎入群 t.me/vpsjp 日本 VPS 预售 || 日本 VPS 交流群

神奇的胖子 还可以不迁移吗。。。。。自主决定??

greencloudvps 官方哪里有通知?

shuang76 肯定迁啊,恭喜之前低价收了大阪的 b

kezhao 这么刺激

plyu007 难道我是 unvalued 客户,我没有邮件通知啊

i 可乐 我也没有邮件通​​知啊  几号母鸡啊

shuang76 45.14.70.*

未完的歌 太好了

注册 还没收到邮件通知,不是都盼着这一天早点到吗?

注册 实测现在晚高峰大阪现在比东京速度高。

wget 我也收到邮件了

鸡不择食 东京延迟比大阪好看 而且能挑解锁段子

gg0767 邻居都迁了我竟然没收到

cmfv 还没收到邮件通知
