vultr的免费计划可以在“ 个人中心” 查看申请进度


共计 1011 个字符,预计需要花费 3 分钟才能阅读完成。

Vultr Free Tier Program
Application Received
If you are admitted into the program, you will be notified by email as well as here.

This is a new program that we are developing and inventory is limited. Early access is not guaranteed and we will be approving accounts on a rolling basis as we continue to refine this tier. Additionally, we will only reach out if you have been accepted into the program. Ineligible applicants will not be notified.

Please note that our support team is unable to answer questions about your application status. This program is administered outside of their purview. They do not have access to the process nor do they have insight in regards to the status of individual accounts.

Vultr 免费套餐计划




注册 你管这叫申请进度?银河级理解

yanzhiling2002 这不是画了个饼吗

rem 申请进度,企业级李姐

yanzhiling2002 你可能理解错了,这意思是说:成功了我们会通知你,没成功的洗洗睡就行不会收到任何消息 简单理解就是,我就是耍猴

鹿小草 QAQ 只要提交申请就会有这个提示,跟进度没一毛钱关系

jzelynn 你这理解 我只能说佩服

tawer 害。。还以为真有进度

louiejordan 害 感人

aes 进度 99%

注册 老实人被骗进来了
