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很久没有登 Hetnzer,邮箱突然收到账单 290 欧,进去看了下,九台服务器在运行,查看上个月登陆 ip 是 45.136.248.X、45.154.98.X、45.140.174.X,请问写工单减免费用有希望吗?


注册 Hetnzer 把账单销掉了,不用给了,大家尽量要二次验证 Support – Hetzner Online GmbH 18:49 (1 小时前) 发送至 我 Dear Mr Woo we have removed the invoice and set the balance to € 0. Please enable 2FA for your account to secure it better. Kind regards Customer Data Analytics Hetzner Online GmbH Sigmundstrasse 135 90431 Nürnberg

wooxiaowei 这个估计没戏

wooxiaowei HZ 的密码设置要很复杂的,这别人怎么黑的?

英语实在不好 我也搞不清楚,刚看到官网有个提醒是钓鱼邮箱:Phishing emails are currently being sent in the name of Hetzner. You can identify the email by the following signs: – Subject: Hetzner: Ihr Domainname wurde gesperrt. / Ihr Domainname läuft innerhalb von 3 Tagen ab. – Sender: “‘[email protected]” / “[email protected]” / “‘[email protected]” / Customer Service-TravelCenter “[email protected]” / Hetzner Online GmbH “[email protected]” It tries to get you to go to a fake login site for Hetzner Accounts so that it can steal your login data. Do not open this email or click on any links it contains. If you accidentally went to this phishing site and entered your login data, please contact our support team as soon as possible. Write a support request using your account on konsoleH, Robot or Cloud Console. If that is not possible, call the relevant support team. If you are able to, we also recommend that you immediately change your password and that you delete the phishing mail. You could also enable 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA) in Accounts which helps to protect your account.

水牛 服务器有开通邮件,一个月了,你没发现?

wooxiaowei 我之前自己新建,有发邮箱,这个都没有

奧巴马 有可能用 api 开的?看看有没 api?

wooxiaowei 有点怕啊,二次验证登录会不会安全点,我就是用的 authy。

royzheng 设置了二次验证吗?如果没有的话建议考虑一下密码泄露或者 session 被盗用。后面那种建议你检查一下其他常用账号。不然还会有其他账单的。别问我怎么知道,都是教训

朝花夕拾 吓的我直接开二次验证

注册 看看里边有啥 反正都花你的钱了

注册 我的就被搞过,一个月直接刷了我好几千,没办法的,打电话给银行也没用,HZ 也不承认

今晚不吃饭 怎么被黑的?

钱宗鑫 没开二次验证

A1s2 Hetnzer 把账单销掉了,不用给了,大家尽量要二次验证 Support – Hetzner Online GmbH 18:49 (1 小时前) 发送至 我 Dear Mr Woo we have removed the invoice and set the balance to € 0. Please enable 2FA for your account to secure it better. Kind regards Customer Data Analytics Hetzner Online GmbH Sigmundstrasse 135 90431 Nürnberg

cqcyx 最近确实有冒用 hetzner 官方发欺诈邮箱的。但是你这个情况估计是因为密码太简单或者多个网站用相同密码导致的。但是你这个刚好和最近有人利用 hetzer 官方名义欺诈时间撞上了,所以 hetzner 给你免了。。这时候每个账号用不同密码+二次验证的作用就体现出来了。

wooxiaowei 应该是,长记性了

嘉树 这么看来 hz 还是挺人性化的
