/31IP 能用在Hyper-V下的Debian里吗


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斯巴达独服自带的 5 个 /29IP 用完了,想再买 个 /31IP(/29 太贵了),请问 /31 IP 支持 Hyper- V 下的 Debian 吗如果不行我就直接买 /30 了,价格贵了一倍,40 多 USD 一年一个 IP,2019 年 2023-06-02 10:09 2 客服的科普,不过他也不知道 31 能不能用在 Hyper- V 下 –/30s are quite wasteful with IPs, they use 4 IPs but only have 1 usable, which is why they\’re quite expensive. A /29 by contrast uses 8 IPs but has 5 usable.Ryan McCullyManaging DirectorSpartan Host Ltd
