OVH IE区取消了我的订单


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OVH IE 区拿证件申请免税成功 Thank you for contacting OVH support.
We inform you that your request for VAT exemption has been accepted, we remind you that VAT exemption applies for new purchases, all old orders with contractual obligation will still be valid with VAT.
然后买了东西后,付了钱后就立刻 order declined4 Jun 2024 19:13:34
Order declined
Based on an analysis of your order and account data, we believe that these do not provide all the necessary guarantees in terms of transaction security. To process your order, pay for it and execute the contract, OVHcloud invites you to renew your purchase using another payment method.
You can also contact one of our advisors via the help section of your account, to provide us with the information needed to complete the transaction. If not, this will not be taken into account.
