Google Domain 最近是不是很容易风控啊


共计 587 个字符,预计需要花费 2 分钟才能阅读完成。

想再续费几个 10 年 com 域名,但是怕续费多了 google payment 就风控了


注册 不清楚,有说又双叒叕续费成功的,有说怎么都不行的,自己试试才知道,小马过河一样

CodyDoby 刚又续费了几个域名, 6000TRY

心上人 才续费 2 个 10 年就风控了。Due to suspicious activity, we’ve suspended the ability to make payments through your account on Google products and services to prevent unauthorized charges. To reinstate your ability to make payments, we need to verify your payments profile. You’ll need to upload: An image or scan of the payment method or a statement to confirm ownership A scan of a **-issued photo ID that matches the billing name 惨了 billing name 是拼音,身份证上是汉字,这下估计要死了

xayle 玄学吧,反正也没几天了,这车就走

CodyDoby 汉字对 google 没什么关系, 用 google 翻译佐证一下. 是不是我的卡以前在 google 云上认证过, 所以没触发过风控.
