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到手测了下,说我是老用户还不给退款,我要好好的刚一刚。48 刀 绿云 HKDC1 翻车了

They have the same line/route. In this case we will make an exception for you, but only this time. We have canceled the VPS and added $48 to your account credit balancedc1 有活动吗?我一直想买呢,DC1 不是直连的吗,测试 IP 是 ping 很小的啊啥情况?有优惠吗?这是不让买吗?10M 带宽?203 好像是 dc2DC1 啥时候有货的这不是还直连么,
绿云 HKDC1 翻车了203 DC2 吧 DC1 的共享带宽 & 回国到底有多大
